resources for graduate real variable
I found that the PDFs online they all don't have content embedded with the file, so I added the content myself: - text_book - solution
I am taking the MATH-GA.2430-001 Real Variables I, by Tristan Buckmaster, 2024 Fall.
The textbook we used is "Real Analysis Measure Theory, Integration and Hilbert Spaces (Elias M. Stein, Rami Shakarchi)".
Here are some good complementary materials:
- MIT's functional analysis: Functional Analysis
- I also added some comments on the notes, based on MIT's course, which is also open sourced: My notes
Detailed resources
A video series that go through everything (same order) for RV:
- 【合集(自学用)】实分析/实变函数: 从Lebesgue测度到Radon测度 (63小时, 88p)
- l^2空间简介 & 完备性证明「实分析2: Hilbert空间」 -合集·【实分析】第三季:抽象测度 ## Measure Theory
- If you can understand Chinese, here is a good video introducing measure according to stein: Measure Theory
Littlewood’s three principles
- While learning "Littlewood’s three principles" (Page 33 of Stein), I watched this video
resources for graduate real variable